Friday, 23 October 2009
Cast Decisions
For our music video we decided to cast the band members, so as to portray them trying to 'make it big'. As well as using the four members (Jimmy, Bud, Joe, OL /Baz) in the band we are going to get extras to be the people who follow the band, we will get these people from the public who are in town at the time so to create a normal atmosphere with the film.
Interview with a Fan
How long have you been following Bazmaki?
'Since they first came about around late 2007'
Where did you hear about the band?
'I'm friends with members of the band so have been kept up to datye with their progress.'
What do you like about Bazmaki's music?
'I have always loved live music, especially alternative rock which is what Bazmaki's music is about.'
What is your favourite song?
'I really like EVILE the track you are making a video for but another one of my favourites is Black Sour Cherries'
Do you prefer listening to them or seing Bazmaki live?
I love live music so watching Bazmaki perform live at a gig is really brilliant although I do listen to them on my iPod.
'Since they first came about around late 2007'
Where did you hear about the band?
'I'm friends with members of the band so have been kept up to datye with their progress.'
What do you like about Bazmaki's music?
'I have always loved live music, especially alternative rock which is what Bazmaki's music is about.'
What is your favourite song?
'I really like EVILE the track you are making a video for but another one of my favourites is Black Sour Cherries'
Do you prefer listening to them or seing Bazmaki live?
I love live music so watching Bazmaki perform live at a gig is really brilliant although I do listen to them on my iPod.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Band Information

NAME: Bazmaki
LOCATION: Culcheth, Warrington, UK
Ol - Vocals and Guitar
Bud - Bass
Jim - Drums
Joe - Moves
GENRE: Alternative/Grunge/Experimental
FORMED: 2006
STATUS: Unsigned
Bazmaki are a local band from Warrington who regularly play gigs at The Pyramid and Parr Hall. They are popular in and around Warrington and are recognised for the new and individual sound. They write and produce all of their own songs and reherse in their spare time. Apart from being members of a band Bazmaki are studing at colleges around Warrington.
Confirmation of Song Permissions
From: Oliver Basma-Lord (
Sent: 08 October 2009 23:09:22
Here is it.
you can call it what we call it, EVILE, or make up a nice name :).
Bit annoying i can't give you a better one ohwells.
Hope you enjoy. Just say if you have any probs :)
Sent: 08 October 2009 23:09:22
Here is it.
you can call it what we call it, EVILE, or make up a nice name :).
Bit annoying i can't give you a better one ohwells.
Hope you enjoy. Just say if you have any probs :)
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Production Schedule
Song Title
– Evile
– Lucy McCarey, Craig Sheakey, Laura Housley
– Lucy McCarey, Craig Sheakey, Laura Housley
– OCR Exam Board
Date Production Started – Friday 23rd October - Completed
Treatment Started – Thurs 15th October - Completed
Storyboard Started – 21st October - Completed
Shooting Started – 23rd October - Completed
Planning Started – 6th October - Completed
Post Production Started
Rough Cut Submitted - Submitted
Final Show Take - Submitted
Location, Equipment Required
Location- Warrington town centre and the Parr Hall.
Equipment required
Camera, Track, Bands instruments.
Transport Requirements
Car for use of transporting the track otherwise walk and use of the bus.
Crewing, Recruitment Requirements
The directors/ Producers will be filming etc. we are going to ask a group of people to be the crowd and the band have been emailed and are featuring in the video.
– Evile
– Lucy McCarey, Craig Sheakey, Laura Housley
– Lucy McCarey, Craig Sheakey, Laura Housley
– OCR Exam Board
Date Production Started – Friday 23rd October - Completed
Treatment Started – Thurs 15th October - Completed
Storyboard Started – 21st October - Completed
Shooting Started – 23rd October - Completed
Planning Started – 6th October - Completed
Post Production Started
Rough Cut Submitted - Submitted
Final Show Take - Submitted
Location, Equipment Required
Location- Warrington town centre and the Parr Hall.
Equipment required
Camera, Track, Bands instruments.
Transport Requirements
Car for use of transporting the track otherwise walk and use of the bus.
Crewing, Recruitment Requirements
The directors/ Producers will be filming etc. we are going to ask a group of people to be the crowd and the band have been emailed and are featuring in the video.
Rock/ indie
Outline of Narrative
The narrative story we have chosen for the band Bazmaki’s Evile is that of a linear order as we have decided to input cuts of the band playing a live performance, inbetween this performance we will input cuts to follow a girl through a park, who, as the song states, is running away. However these are not flashbacks and are still in the correct order.
Taking inspiration from the songs lyrics we have decided on the story of following the girl played by a college student through a park. whilst inputting clips of her surroundings and herself to give off the appearance that she is being stalked.
The video will start off with the bands amp which says their name on it so that the audience is clear from the start not only does the video have a storyline focused on the song but that the band are a key point to the video and will be easily recognisable for the audience to follow via their fanbase on myspace etc.
The video will have various different angles of the band playing and will contain lip-synching as well as alternative shots of the girl walking through the park.
The video will start with a number of different shots of the band and girl as well as the surroundings to give the audience an idea of what is coming whilst the instrumental at the begining is playing.
When the music involving singing starts we are going to have the band lip-synching and on the occasional word fit it exactly to the visuals. eg. "Runaway, Runaway..." we will show the girl running and on "You" we will have the girl as the focus to continue with the theme that #2you" could be referring to you as the stalker , the girll or the audience as the stalker.
By keeping the identity of the person watching the girl we are going to use steady, canted and POV shots to add to a mysterious unkown effect which relates to the unknown identity of "You" in the song.
We are hoping this will indicate to the audience the bands new search for their identity as they are running away from the feeling they lov which could be the girl running from a stalker, or she is a runaway trying to get away from her life or the band running away from sticking to the normal stereotypes which often indie bands are stuck with.When the band play the final chorus of the song the video will speed up after having the slow motioned effect throughout, to createe a different atmosphere which will show they are not conventional. The video will Climax with the band sitting around and having a good time to lighten the mood after performing, together.
Band-Drums, Microphones, Amps, Guitars, Speakers
The Band-Bazmaki
No props are needed apart for the bands instruments at the gig.
Laura Housley, Craig Sheakey, Lucy McCarey
As this is for an A2 media project we do not have a budget and are trying to get everything for free. If we were going to create this with a budget we would have to pay for three camera men and equipment hire, location hire and electricity costs and also an actor / actresses to be in the video.
Rock/ indie
Outline of Narrative
The narrative story we have chosen for the band Bazmaki’s Evile is that of a linear order as we have decided to input cuts of the band playing a live performance, inbetween this performance we will input cuts to follow a girl through a park, who, as the song states, is running away. However these are not flashbacks and are still in the correct order.
Taking inspiration from the songs lyrics we have decided on the story of following the girl played by a college student through a park. whilst inputting clips of her surroundings and herself to give off the appearance that she is being stalked.
The video will start off with the bands amp which says their name on it so that the audience is clear from the start not only does the video have a storyline focused on the song but that the band are a key point to the video and will be easily recognisable for the audience to follow via their fanbase on myspace etc.
The video will have various different angles of the band playing and will contain lip-synching as well as alternative shots of the girl walking through the park.
The video will start with a number of different shots of the band and girl as well as the surroundings to give the audience an idea of what is coming whilst the instrumental at the begining is playing.
When the music involving singing starts we are going to have the band lip-synching and on the occasional word fit it exactly to the visuals. eg. "Runaway, Runaway..." we will show the girl running and on "You" we will have the girl as the focus to continue with the theme that #2you" could be referring to you as the stalker , the girll or the audience as the stalker.
By keeping the identity of the person watching the girl we are going to use steady, canted and POV shots to add to a mysterious unkown effect which relates to the unknown identity of "You" in the song.
We are hoping this will indicate to the audience the bands new search for their identity as they are running away from the feeling they lov which could be the girl running from a stalker, or she is a runaway trying to get away from her life or the band running away from sticking to the normal stereotypes which often indie bands are stuck with.When the band play the final chorus of the song the video will speed up after having the slow motioned effect throughout, to createe a different atmosphere which will show they are not conventional. The video will Climax with the band sitting around and having a good time to lighten the mood after performing, together.
Band-Drums, Microphones, Amps, Guitars, Speakers
The Band-Bazmaki
No props are needed apart for the bands instruments at the gig.
Laura Housley, Craig Sheakey, Lucy McCarey
As this is for an A2 media project we do not have a budget and are trying to get everything for free. If we were going to create this with a budget we would have to pay for three camera men and equipment hire, location hire and electricity costs and also an actor / actresses to be in the video.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Questionaire Results

The pie chart shows that over 50% of the people asked to take part in the survey were women. The gives an in bias results.

The majority of people who fillled out the survey were between 14-17. This makes the results slightly bias as there isn't a wide variety of ages. The video will therefore appeal to 14-17 year olds more.

The majority of people asked during the questionaire enjoy watching music videos which shows that the results of this survey may be slightly bias. The fact that most people enjoy watching music videos shows that it is a good thing that we are making one.
These results show that there is only a small percent of people watch over 5hrs of music videos per day. The majority of people watch around 1hr per day.

The most popular music channel that people watch is MTV. This shows that we should air our music video on this channel.

This pie chart shows that over 50% chose that they preferred it when an artist appeared in character.

This shows that around 90% of the suryeved people prefer the visuals tolink to the lyrics. This means that we should definitly have visuals that link to the lyrics in our music video.#

Slow paced editing looks like the most popular. We think this is so that it is easy to watch and understand.

People prefer the artist(s) to appear in the video so we will be including the artist(s)

People prefer the music video to have dancers in so we will try and include dancers in our music videos.

70% of people prefer that the msuci video is shot in a location which shows that we should use a location instead of a studio.
Are you male/female?
Are you a Student?
What age range do you fall into?
14-17 18+
Do you enjoy watching music channels?
Yes No
If yes, which one?
MTV TMF The Hits Kerrang! Radio 1 4Music Other
Who is your favourite artist at the moment?
What is currently your favourite music video?
What is your favourite music channel?
What do you do in your spare time?
How often do you watch music channels?
Less than 1hr per day 1hr per day 2hrs per day 5hrs per day 6hrs+
Do you prefer linear (in order) or non-linear (including flashbacks)?
Do you prefer narrative storyline or performance based music video?
How do you prefer artists to appear, normal or out of character?
Do you like visuals linking to the lyrics?
Do you enjoy repetitive dance routines?
Do you enjoy realism or special effects?
Do you enjoy slow or fast paced music?
Are you in a band?
If so, what music do you play?
Do you like the music video to include the artist(s)?
Do you watch videos on your phone/iPod?
Would you prefer a music video with dancers?
Do you prefer the video to be shot on location or in a studio?
If on location where would your preference for it be?
Are you a Student?
What age range do you fall into?
14-17 18+
Do you enjoy watching music channels?
Yes No
If yes, which one?
MTV TMF The Hits Kerrang! Radio 1 4Music Other
Who is your favourite artist at the moment?
What is currently your favourite music video?
What is your favourite music channel?
What do you do in your spare time?
How often do you watch music channels?
Less than 1hr per day 1hr per day 2hrs per day 5hrs per day 6hrs+
Do you prefer linear (in order) or non-linear (including flashbacks)?
Do you prefer narrative storyline or performance based music video?
How do you prefer artists to appear, normal or out of character?
Do you like visuals linking to the lyrics?
Do you enjoy repetitive dance routines?
Do you enjoy realism or special effects?
Do you enjoy slow or fast paced music?
Are you in a band?
If so, what music do you play?
Do you like the music video to include the artist(s)?
Do you watch videos on your phone/iPod?
Would you prefer a music video with dancers?
Do you prefer the video to be shot on location or in a studio?
If on location where would your preference for it be?
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