Thursday, 1 October 2009

Questionaire Results

The pie chart shows that over 50% of the people asked to take part in the survey were women. The gives an in bias results.

The majority of people who fillled out the survey were between 14-17. This makes the results slightly bias as there isn't a wide variety of ages. The video will therefore appeal to 14-17 year olds more.

The majority of people asked during the questionaire enjoy watching music videos which shows that the results of this survey may be slightly bias. The fact that most people enjoy watching music videos shows that it is a good thing that we are making one.

These results show that there is only a small percent of people watch over 5hrs of music videos per day. The majority of people watch around 1hr per day.

The most popular music channel that people watch is MTV. This shows that we should air our music video on this channel.

This Pie chart shows taht 50% of people preffered a linear structure to a music video compared to non-linear.

This pie chart shows that over 50% chose that they preferred it when an artist appeared in character.

A narrative based storyline came out on top with 55% which shows that we should think about making a narrative music video that has a storyline.

This shows that around 90% of the suryeved people prefer the visuals tolink to the lyrics. This means that we should definitly have visuals that link to the lyrics in our music video.#

The results show that 75% of people do not like repetitive dance routines so we will definitly not be including them in our viedo.

These results are quite even which shows that a wide variety of techniques should be used in our video.

Fast paced music appears to be the most popular so we think we should try and find an upbeat song.

Slow paced editing looks like the most popular. We think this is so that it is easy to watch and understand.

People prefer the artist(s) to appear in the video so we will be including the artist(s)

People prefer the music video to have dancers in so we will try and include dancers in our music videos.

70% of people prefer that the msuci video is shot in a location which shows that we should use a location instead of a studio.

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