Thursday 1 October 2009


Are you male/female?

Are you a Student?

What age range do you fall into?
14-17 18+

Do you enjoy watching music channels?
Yes No

If yes, which one?

MTV TMF The Hits Kerrang! Radio 1 4Music Other

Who is your favourite artist at the moment?


What is currently your favourite music video?


What is your favourite music channel?

What do you do in your spare time?

How often do you watch music channels?

Less than 1hr per day 1hr per day 2hrs per day 5hrs per day 6hrs+

Do you prefer linear (in order) or non-linear (including flashbacks)?

Do you prefer narrative storyline or performance based music video?

How do you prefer artists to appear, normal or out of character?

Do you like visuals linking to the lyrics?

Do you enjoy repetitive dance routines?

Do you enjoy realism or special effects?

Do you enjoy slow or fast paced music?


Are you in a band?

If so, what music do you play?

Do you like the music video to include the artist(s)?

Do you watch videos on your phone/iPod?

Would you prefer a music video with dancers?

Do you prefer the video to be shot on location or in a studio?

If on location where would your preference for it be?

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