Wednesday 30 September 2009

5ive - Everybody get up

5ive appear to be the school 'rebels'. There is both direct address throughout the whole video but also indirect address is used during the dance routine on stage at the start.
In the video everything is linear. The beginning starts with 5ive dancing on stage then the middle shows 5ive jumping into the crowd and at the end everybody is together doing the same dance routine.
The video shows 5ive to be rebelious and adventurous , they are on stage where they shouldn't be and then they leap into the crowd. It gives of a 'bad boy' image which was extreemly popular in the 90's.
The visuals amplify the lyrics, they are telling students who appear to be sitting their exams to 'get up' and when they do they all do the same dance routine which amplifies the lyrics.
The video is set in a school hall where exams are being sat, it relates to the audience. 5ive are dressed in all black which makes them blend in but their 'boy band image' e.g. hairstyles makes them stand out.
The video is opened with a wide shot of 5ive dancing on stage. Wide shots are used throughout when 5ive are dancing and singing in the crowd. A downward tilt is used towards the end of the video to show the crowd all doing the same dance routine in unison.
Shot-reverse-shot is used in the opening of the video showing 5ive appearing and the students sitting their exams.
There is a representation in this video that boy bands are bad and rebellious. They go to the extreem in this video to create reactions.
The genre of the music is Pop and the audience would be around 12-18 year olds because they see boy bands as cool and also fanciable.

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