Wednesday 30 September 2009

Sandi Thom - I wish I was a punk rocker

Throught the video there is a direct mode of address, Sandi Thom is singing into the canmera like she is talking to the audience. She is perofrming as herself in the video and not pretending to be somebody else.
The video is in a linear order, it appears to have been filmed in one long tracking shot as there are no noticable cuts atall.
The video creates an image that Sandi Thom is normal and down to earth, this is shown through the naturalness of her appearance. She blends in to the video but also stands out because of the camera work.
The visual elements illustrate the lyrics, for example when she sings about a guitar there is a man in the background playing a guitar. It is subtle and not over the top.
Sandi Thom is dressed in clothes that blend in, this demonstrates her normality. The location is busy streets in London which Sandi Thom walks around and then ends up in a park.
Throughout the music video a tracking shot is used which shows Sandi Thom in a mid shot walking through the streets. When she reaches the park the camera zooms out which shows a ful length shot and then a panning shot as Sandi Thom walks past the camera.
There are no cuts in this video it only uses one long shot. Editing techniques such as slowing down and speeding up have been used.
In this video there is a representation that although London is a very big and busy place, there is still time to relax and take a break.
No special effects have been used in this video.
The genre of this video is Soulful Pop and the audience is late teens to late 40's because the 'punk rocker' lyrics relate to the eera.

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