Friday 18 September 2009

The Lighthouse Family - I wish I Knew

The genre of this song is soulful pop, i think this because the song is relaxing which makes it easy to listen to and mellow.
The music video holds a non-linear narrative due to the flashbacks where the lead singer, Tunde Baiyewu, looks into peoples lives. At the start of the video the train moves off and things seem to be going in a linear order but when Tunde Baiyewu starts meeting people on the train the audience see flashbacks into the passengers lives which creates the non-linear structure.
I would identify the target audience as 30+ because they can connect to the song lyrics and because the song came about in the 90's it would be part of their eera. This video would be seen on music channels such as Smooth, VH1 and Magic because they have an older target audience.
Although Tunde Baiyewu stands out due to the smartness of his clothes the mondane colours that he is wearing make hime blend in more with the other train passengers, it shows the status divide between upper class and working class.
The blonde girl who has porceline skin gives connotations of being an angel and when she takes Tunde Baiyewu's hand it is like she is leading him. There are other connotations of religion aswell when the flashbacks show the passengers 'hell' and they are underground on the tube service.

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